Jason and Ainsley left Friday morning and drove to Allentown to visit his Mom and go skiing for the day. It was Ainsley's first time on the slopes and they were both excited. In fact I'm not really sure who was more excited. Friday afernoon when I spoke to Jason, Ainsley was in the midst of a skiing lesson and loving it.
I had planned to spend a quiet weekend at home. And while I would have loved to get away, it is Jack's best interested (as we have been told by numerous doctors) to stay close to home and avoid any unneccessary travel. So a quiet weekend it was. Ha ha ha. Friday Jack ran a fever and had a little cough.
By Saturday his breathing was labored and severely marked with stridor. Off to the ER we went. After an evaluation and four hours of quality ER time, Jack was admitted. Just in time for the snow.
Sunday morning when we woke up (and I use the term "woke" loosely - I'd hate to imply that anyone of us slept) it was really beautiful outside. Our room overlooked the original domed Hopkins building and in the wee hours of the morning someone built a great snowman, although the creator failed to dress it at all. I suspect it was a medical student from somewhere like southern California or Arizona who had never seen snow and was overcome with romantic ideas of snow. The next morning I peeked out to see that the same medical student must have gotten his/her hands on a bottle of Mad Dog and come to grips with the fact that snow is only pretty and fun when you don't have to walk to class in it. The snowan met its match with what I can imagine to be a baseball bat.
Monday Jack was well enough to be discharged and we came home. Home to unpack, do laundry and prepare for the rest of the week. So as it turns out, we did get away for the weekend - our destinantion included a lovely room complete with sitting area, a view, and an "attendent" to wait on us. If anyone is interested in trying Chateau d'Hopkins let me know. I know the concierge really well.