Wednesday, May 9, 2007

WARNING: This is a Rant.

I warn those of you reading this particular posting. This is a rant. A short, brief rant which won't apply to 99.9% of the people I know. But there's always that .1% who have to go ahead and piss me off.

Yesterday was a bad day. A very bad day. On top of the daily grind that makes up so much of everyone's days including taking Jack back to Hopkins to give nine vials of blood for yet more testing, yesterday I had the pleasure of dealing with my co-workers. I should make it clear that most of my co-workers are perfectly amiable, understanding and empathetic people. Thankfully this includes my boss.

A few of my co-workers however, are not so understanding, and are apparently a bit envious of my situation. How is that possible? Why in the world would anyone be envious that I have a chronically ill child who requires a great deal of medical attention? That I am forced to work from home many evenings and weekends because I never know when I am going to need the extra time? Or could it be that I have now aquired quite the vocabulary of medical lingo? Maybe my stunning good looks and charming wit? Who knows when there is so much to choose from?

We all know people like this, and most of us probably have to deal with them on a daily basis. I can cope most days. But then there are days, when by virtue of the rumor mill or a particularly conciensious co-worker, I hear that things are said about me, my work, my children, my "situaiton" to other people in and out of my department. Statements which may or may not be true, but are absolutely none of anyone else's business. I have been told that statements like "It's her fault Jackson has all those health issues because ....." have been made to multiple people. No really. Someone has been so bold as to say that. Again most days I can cope but yesterday it really set me off. Not that I can do much about it. I could choose to stoop to that level and engage in some sort of tirade but I know that won't help nor will it change the behavior in question. So I choose to ignore the source, post my rant and move on.

So there it is. Rant.

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