Jason was off today, so he was tasked with dropping off and picking up children from schools. When he arrived at Riderwood to retrieve Ainsley, he was surprised to run into her teacher Mrs. Buchman. Mrs. Buchman was surprised as well to see him but glad for the encounter. Apparently she needed to speak to us about Ainsley's behavior today.
Apparently while waiting in line for the water fountain, Ainsley became impatient with the boy in front of her, who was at the time drinking from the fountain. In her frustration she hauled off and punched him in the back. Yes, folks, that's right, PUNCHED him. Read it again because it is impossible to believe. But yet it is true. Little petite dainty Princess Ainsley punched a boy!
On the walk home, Jason grilled her. I wasn't present for the actual questioning, but I can only imagine there was no less than 100 questions fired at her. It was when I pulled in the driveway that it seemed to start sinking in for her. I got out of the car and she quietly approached me. I could tell by the look in her eyes something was askew, I asked her what was wrong, and she welled up and started bawling. So much so I couldn't understand what the heck she was saying. After getting her to calm down a bit the story finally came out. Jason helped fill in the gaps of her story while she interjected the best defense she could come up with. After all the pieces were put together the whole story includes the following details (the truth of which I cannot vouch for!).
She was thirstier than Graham (the victim) and he was taking too long. It was his fault.
When she was sent to the office after the incident, she was apparently crying so hard that the office staff couldn't figure out why she was there and proceeded to give her a stuffed animal and send her back to her classroom. Ainsley now thinks that going to the office yields toys and prizes!
During art class, Ainsley was rewarded with a "coupon" for her good behavior.
After all the facts came to light, we sent her to her room so that we could discuss an appropriate punishment. What we came up with is the following: She had to call all the grandparents and tell them what happened. She also lost her television privileges for two weeks. And she has to write an apology to Graham and give up her coupon to him on Monday. That last one really hit home and produced even more tears.....
Little Miss Bruiser now. Watch out boys, here she comes.