During the last couple of weeks several thing have happened. Jack has seen the Pulmonary doctor and undergone an EMG. Both of which were fairly uneventful. The results from the EMG were normal, which is great news. He has been sick for three weeks, and is now on his second round of antibiotics and a round of steroids and seems to be doing better. Nebs and meds and repeat. A pretty simple formula for keeping him out of the dreaded hospital. It seems this flu and virus season may be a bit more difficult than the last, but we're hopeful we can handle it with home care.
It is amazing how your perspective can be so different than someone else. We are fortunate, so fortunate, that Jack is a happy, rambunctious boy who loves to pull his sister's hair and screech at the top of his lungs. No words yet, but I'm sure they're coming.
A few weeks ago we learned of an old acquaintance whose three year old daughter was just diagnosed with stage IV cancer. A friend of a friend who we haven't seen or spoken to in years. I've been reading their blog (daily) and keeping up with the roller coaster ride that has suddenly become their life and I am amazed at the strength her parents display. In one particular blog, Amy (the Mom) talks about how she swapped stories with another patient's mother and how sad she felt for her. Wow.
After reading her blogs, I am always tearfully thankful for my children. Through all the struggles it is sometimes difficult to remember that it could always be worse. During our stays at Hotel Hopkins, I recall seeing other really sick children, not that Jack wasn't sick, but in my opinion he was never really that sick, and thinking how lucky we were that he wasn't as sick as they were. Jack has some mechanical / neurological problems which make his life more challenging. But we are fortunate, so very very fortunate that these problems don't threaten his life.
Happy thoughts and prayers for Arden. Perspective is a really powerful thing.
1 comment:
Best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Hope to see you guys soon.
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