Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hmmm, haven't we been here before?

So we've been clipping along at our usual pace, trying to keep up with the usual craziness. Jack's check ups are enough to use up both of our sick days (if Jason actually got any) and Ainsley is starting to venture into more and more extra curricular activities.

Back in March (sorry its been a while) Jack had new PE tubes put in his ears and his adenoids removed. The theory was that by removing his adenoids we would effectively eliminate / significantly reduce the number of upper respiratory infections / ear infections he would be prone to. Thus also reducing the number of lower respiratory infections and need for steroids. About four weeks ago, he woke up with some lovely yellow drainage coming from his right ear. One look and I knew it was an ear infection. So off to the Pediatrician's office we went and we were promptly seen and given the usual prescription of Omnicef. Six days later there was still a lot of drainage. The ENT prescribed antibiotic drops and said that if in a few days things weren't significantly better (i.e. no drainage) to call back. Well, wouldn't you know it a few days later his ear was still as ugly as it was the first day we went to the Pediatrician's. A call to the ENT produced an appointment so he could take a look himself at the offending ear. Once in the office, Dr. Tunkel (ENT) took a very brief look and declared that it is really nasty and needs to be cultured. Three days after that fun filled event, the cultures were back. Jack has a Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) ear infection. We've been twice to the ENT for "clean out and lube up" (he suctions out the fluid from his ear and puts some very potent anitbiotic ointment in his ear), he has started yet another round of oral anitbiotics, and another round of anitbiotic drops (both he will remain on for 2 weeks).

As if that wasn't enough, he has developed a nasty cough and has started really wheezing. So yesterday we paid another visit to our dear Pediatrician's office, during which we reluctantly decided to put him back on another round of steroids. His wheezing and coughing are unbearable to listen to so we're to give him some relief via meds. And we are doing nebs every four hours (or less when needed) to help keep him out of Hotel Hopkins. It has been a while since our last inpatient visit and frankly, we'd like to keep it that way.

So while we've not updated our little blog for quite sometime, it seems that not too much has changed...

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