Monday, June 16, 2008

Bye bye tube!

Of the many crazy events that ocurred last week, one of them was actually good. I am happy to report that while at daycare last week, Jack's g-tube fell out. Well, technically speaking, the ballon that holds it in place acutally burst thus allowing the tube to dislodge from his tummy. When I got the call from daycare I was initially alarmed and somewhat annoyed. I envisioned a quick trip home to pick up a new tube and then a visit to daycare to "install" the new tube. After about thirty seconds I came to the quick conclusion that I didn't want to put it back in. After all, he doesn't use it for anything except meds, and we can certainly administer those orally. So I instructed daycare to secure a piece of gauze over the site with medical tape. When I picked him up from school I cleaned the site, put some neosporin on it and applied a fresh piece of gauze. And that's it. All that time with the tube and the end comes so simply.

Now I know that our Pulmonary doctors would probably have preferred that he keep the tube through the winter, but honestly I don't think he needs it. Our pediatricians agreed and thus the tube is no more!

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