Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thank You Mr. Mraz

I recently posted this on Facebook and felt I should post it here as well. For those of you who have read this previously, my apologies.

For those of you who I've not had the pleasure of keeping up with over the years, let me bring you up to date with the very abridged version of my life. I am married with two beautiful children living in a suburb of Baltimore. Our youngest child Jack has two congenital brain defects which affect his gross motor, fine motor, and speech significantly. The degree to which his difficulties will affect his future endeavors remains to be seen, but he is a beautiful, happy boy who literally brightens every day of my life.

Over the last year or so I have discovered that a lot of things about my life have changed. These changes not actually occurring over the last year, but slowly recognized during that time. Namely and most importantly my priorities and philosophies. Don't get me wrong. Since their births, my children have always been my top priority. But through friends, family, and people I've never met, I have woken up to realize that LIFE IS TOO SHORT. Period.

My very favorite musical artist is Jason Mraz. I was simply captivated the first time I heard "I'm Yours", and have since discovered his entire catalog is filled with wee bits of wisdom and insights. His philosophies on living and loving are just what the doctor ordered, so I imbibe regularly, contentedly drinking in his music. Just ask the people who spend any amount of time with me. They're sick to death of hearing his music. I've seen him in concert once already, and have tickets to see him two more times this summer. Trust me when I say, I'm not an obsessed fan, i just get it and thoroughly enjoy listening to it. (After all, I was nearly a music major in college...)

By now, you may be wondering how this all ties together....well let me connect the dots for you. Jack and I were outside today playing cars on the patio table, listening to none other than Mr. Mraz (his new EP "Yours Truly..." which I love) when I noticed that Jack was singing along. Seriously. The boy who has four sessions of speech therapy, three sessions of OT and two sessions of PT each week was singing along to "I'm Yours" (the live from Japan version)! It was truly one of the sweetest and most rewarding moments I have ever experienced. And for that I am grateful. Thank you Mr. Mraz.

1 comment:

Amy Bucher said...

I love this post. Tears are still in my eyes after viewing that clip, mostly of happiness for Jackson, for this moment, and for you.

