Thursday, July 12, 2007

A long visit with Kennedy Krieger

So it seems that the long wait we encountered for Jackson's appointment at Kennedy Krieger was just a preview of the long visit we were to have. Friday, July 6th we saw Dr. Lipkin, a Developmental Pediatrician at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. Five long hours of questions and answers and loads of developmental testing ensued. After quietly deliberating with several colleagues, the diagnosis was Hypotonia and a Speech and Language Impairment. Yes, five hours later and two somewhat insignificant conclusions.

The difference is now there are official diagnosis, albeit vague and still inconclusive. There is still a great deal of questions as to whether or not there is a bigger issues, most suspect there is, and what exactly that bigger issue is exactly. (The thought is a Neuro-Musclar disorder?) In the meanwhile, Dr. Lipkin has called for more intensive Physical Therapy as well as Speech and Language Therapy. Once a week each. Preferably at KKI. Hmmm. That makes for a few more trips downtown.

Sorry to be so brief, but we are on vacation in Colorado and that's really what I want do. Be on vacation. Lots to be dealt with when we return, but until then, it can wait.

To read more about Hypotonia visit:

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