Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I am officially a yuppie in suburbia....

I went out with the girls tonight, for the first time in a very very very long time. I came home just in time to say good night to Jason and have some quiet alone time to myself. As I was flipping through the channels I came across the HD version of "She's Having a Baby", specifically the choreographed lawnmower scene. Upon viewing it for a few moments it came upon me that this is my life. So much of this movie is real it completely freaked me out. And had I not recently consumed three Jager Bombs, I would have been considerably more freaked out.
But looking at it for what it is I realized that everyone has there own little dramas. Everyday, there is something somewhere that affects someone. Big or small , today or tomorrow it happens. The reality of it is how you deal with it. Watching Kevin Bacon scurry around panicked with the idea of the impending doom of child rearing that lurks in the darkest corners of his life, it occurred to me that everyone deals with chaos and drama differently.
But what is even odder, is that this is not the first time I've seen this movie. In fact it is like the 50th time I've seen it. But through the years my perspective has changed, and I suppose it will continue to change. Shaped by the events and elements that make up your life, slowly but surely we all figure it out. And I am suddenly amazed and awed at the number of things that I have managed to figure out, and even more shocked by the number of things I have yet to figure out.....

1 comment:

Jo(y) said...

I am always impressed with how well you handle the challenges that come your way.