Monday, January 28, 2008

A checkup a day....

This week is a particularly active week for us, medically speaking. Jackson had a well visit (aka check up) with his Pediatrician this morning, tomorrow he is scheduled for another modified barium swallow study, and Wednesday we see the Pediatric Pulmonologist.

This morning the visit to the Pediatrician's office was pretty uneventful. Checking all the major systems, reviewing meds and therapy schedules, and talking about all the various developmental milestones. Jackson has again thrown us a curveball. That wacky boy had an ear infection in his right ear last week, hence the current round of Augmentin. It was such a nasty infection that the Pediatrician couldn't see very much at all and we were uncertain if his tube was still in place in that ear. The left ear however, looked clear, complete with tube. Today, the right ear was clear so that Dr. M could see quite well and noted that the tube was in place. The left ear however, while not infected, is now without a tube. Craziness! The ear with the tube got infected while the ear with no tube remained clear. Completely contrary to how it is supposed to work, but hey, this is Jackson we're talking about here.

So we'll leave the mystery alone in hopes we avoid any more ear infections. Should another pop up, we're back to the ENT to have another set of tubes put in and maybe some extra anatomy (adenoids / tonsils) removed.

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