Monday, January 14, 2008


It is about the most unappealing name for a product I think I've ever heard, but that is what it is called. Ironically enough, that is exactly what it does. Since we suspect Jackson is aspirating thin liquids we've been advised to thicken everything. Milk, water, juice. It can all be brought to a nectar like consistency with 2 tablespoons (per 4 ounces) of, yes you guessed it, Thick-it. This stuff is really just modified cornstarch so it doesn't change the taste of the beverage of the moment at all. (And yes I did try it myself to make sure.) And so far, so good. Jack doesn't seem notice the consistency change, and I am thrilled with that.

I wasn't expecting a huge change with this modification. But remarkably enough, he is sputtering less, and not junky at all after drinking a few ounces. I am really surprised. I don't know what this means for the long run, but for now I'll settle for the fact that this will help keep him healthy and off of steroids!

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